## The displayMenu macro (at the bottom of this template) is defined in ## struts-menu.jar!/net/sf/displayer/globalMacros.vm. It has a callback to the #menuItem macro ## you see below. You can override this macro by creating a menuMacros.vm template ## at the root of your classpath #macro( menuItem $menu $level ) ## set parentName #if ($menu.parent) #set ($parentName = $menu.parent.name) #else #set ($parentName = "") #end ## set title and arrow image #set ($title = $displayer.getMessage($menu.title)) ## set link #if ($menu.url) #set ($link = $menu.url) #else #set ($link = "") #end ## set target #if ($menu.target) #set ($target = $menu.target) #else #set ($target = "") #end ## set width #if ($menu.width) #set ($width = $menu.width) #else #set ($width = "") #end ## set height #if ($menu.height) #set ($height = $menu.height) #else #set ($height = "") #end ## set image #if ($menu.image) ## disable images by default - it looks bad with the current images ##set ($title = " $title") #end ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## oCMenu.makeMenu(name, parent_name, text, link, target, width, height, ## regImage, overImage, regClass, overClass , align, rows, nolink, onclick, ## onmouseover, onmouseout) ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- oCMenu.makeMenu('$menu.name','$parentName','$title','$link','$target'); #end #displayMenu($menu 0)