Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle .


Files Infos Warnings Errors
84 0 0 1463


Files I W E
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 51
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 25
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 83
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 68
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 21
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 38
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 27
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 25
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 13
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 41
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 25
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 11
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 31
net/sf/navigator/displayer/ 0 0 71
net/sf/navigator/displayer/package.html 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/example/ 0 0 10
net/sf/navigator/example/ 0 0 18
net/sf/navigator/example/ 0 0 8
net/sf/navigator/example/ 0 0 8
net/sf/navigator/example/package.html 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 3
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 127
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 76
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 17
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 18
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 20
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 125
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 7
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/menu/ 0 0 11
net/sf/navigator/menu/package.html 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/taglib/ 0 0 54
net/sf/navigator/taglib/ 0 0 88
net/sf/navigator/taglib/el/ 0 0 24
net/sf/navigator/taglib/el/ 0 0 32
net/sf/navigator/taglib/el/ 0 0 39
net/sf/navigator/taglib/el/package.html 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/taglib/package.html 0 0 1
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 17
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 6
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 156
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 22
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 31
net/sf/navigator/util/ 0 0 9
net/sf/navigator/util/package.html 0 0 1


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 29
Error Variable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods. 29
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Variable 'displayStrings' must be private and have accessor methods. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Variable 'out' must be private and have accessor methods. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Variable 'target' must be private and have accessor methods. 33
Error Variable 'permissionsAdapter' must be private and have accessor methods. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Variable 'mapping' must be private and have accessor methods. 37
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 41
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error Parameter name should be final. 45
Error 'name' hides a field. 45
Error Method 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 49
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Error Method 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 59
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Error Parameter config should be final. 59
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 63
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 74
Error Parameter menu should be final. 74
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 74
Error Method 'setTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 88
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 88
Error Parameter target should be final. 88
Error 'target' hides a field. 88
Error Method 'getPermissionsAdapter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 96
Error Method 'setPermissionsAdapter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 104
Error Parameter permissionsAdapter should be final. 104
Error 'permissionsAdapter' hides a field. 104
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 109
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 117
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 117
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 117
Error 'mapping' hides a field. 117
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 122
Error Parameter menu should be final. 122
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 125
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 125
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 125
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 125
Error Method 'isAllowed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 136
Error Parameter menu should be final. 136


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 16
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 16
Error Parameter menu should be final. 16
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 19
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 25
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 25
Error Parameter menu should be final. 25
Error Parameter level should be final. 25
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 28
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 43
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 61
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 61
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 62
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 65
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 66
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 67
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 81
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 83
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 87
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 89
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 94
Error Parameter menu should be final. 94


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 26
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 29
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 36
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 41
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 46
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error '+' should be on a new line. 51
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 67
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 71
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 71
Error Parameter context should be final. 71
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 71
Error Must have at least one statement. 76
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 76
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 76
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 83
Error Parameter menu should be final. 83
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 83
Error Expected @throws tag for 'JspException'. 83
Error Expected @throws tag for 'IOException'. 83
Error First sentence should end with a period. 89
Error Method 'end' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 93
Error Parameter context should be final. 93
Error Expected @param tag for 'context'. 93
Error Must have at least one statement. 97
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 97
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 97
Error Method 'buildMenuString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 100
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 100
Error Parameter menu should be final. 100
Error Parameter sb should be final. 100
Error Parameter allowed should be final. 101
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 103
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 105
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 113
Error Method 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 118
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 118
Error Parameter menu should be final. 118
Error Parameter allowed should be final. 118
Error '10' is a magic number. 119
Error '3' is a magic number. 123
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 124
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 125
Error '4' is a magic number. 126
Error '5' is a magic number. 127
Error '6' is a magic number. 128
Error '7' is a magic number. 129
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 129
Error '8' is a magic number. 130
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 130
Error '9' is a magic number. 131
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 131
Error Expected an @return tag. 142
Error Method 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 142
Error Parameter menu should be final. 142
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 142
Error Method 'getParentName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 159
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 159
Error Parameter menu should be final. 159
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 171
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 171
Error Parameter menu should be final. 171


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 26
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 29
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 40
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 42
Error Line has trailing spaces. 46
Error Line has trailing spaces. 47
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 47
Error Line has trailing spaces. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error '+' should be on a new line. 55
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 58
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 62
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 66
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 66
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 66
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 66
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 81
Error Parameter menu should be final. 81
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 81
Error Expected @throws tag for 'JspException'. 81
Error Expected @throws tag for 'IOException'. 81
Error First sentence should end with a period. 87
Error Method 'end' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 91
Error Parameter context should be final. 91
Error Expected @param tag for 'context'. 91
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 102
Error Method 'buildMenuString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 102
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Error Parameter menu should be final. 102
Error Parameter sb should be final. 102
Error Parameter allowed should be final. 102
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 104
Error Method 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 116
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 116
Error Parameter menu should be final. 116
Error '10' is a magic number. 117
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 122
Error '+' should be on a new line. 122
Error '3' is a magic number. 124
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 124
Error '4' is a magic number. 125
Error '5' is a magic number. 126
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 126
Error '6' is a magic number. 127
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 127
Error '7' is a magic number. 128
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 128
Error '8' is a magic number. 129
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 130
Error '9' is a magic number. 131
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 131
Error Method 'getParentName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 140
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 140
Error Parameter menu should be final. 140
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 152
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 152
Error Parameter menu should be final. 152
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 162
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 163


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 24
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 24
Error Line has trailing spaces. 31
Error Must have at least one statement. 43
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 43
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 43
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Parameter menu should be final. 46
Error '+' should be on a new line. 65
Error '+' should be on a new line. 76
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 87
Error Parameter menu should be final. 87
Error Parameter sb should be final. 87
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 118
Error '+' should be on a new line. 118
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 130
Error '+' should be on a new line. 130


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 26
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 26
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 32
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Parameter menu should be final. 38
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Parameter menu should be final. 46
Error Parameter level should be final. 46
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 52
Error '1000' is a magic number. 54
Error '*' is not preceded with whitespace. 54
Error '*' is not followed by whitespace. 54
Error ')' is preceded with whitespace. 63
Error '{' is not preceded with whitespace. 63
Error Line has trailing spaces. 73
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 82
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 85
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 87
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 88
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 101
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 103
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 107
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 109
Error First sentence should end with a period. 114
Error Method 'end' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 118
Error Parameter context should be final. 118
Error Method 'getExtra' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 126
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 126
Error Parameter menu should be final. 126
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 135
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 138
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 143


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line has trailing spaces. 96
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 99
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 100
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 100
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 101
Error Method 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 105
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 105
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 106
Error Method 'render' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 110
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 110
Error Parameter context should be final. 110
Error Parameter writer should be final. 111
Error Parameter node should be final. 111
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 112
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 114
Error '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 123
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 123
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 124
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 132
Error '}' should be on the same line. 135
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 137
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 141
Error '}' should be on the same line. 143
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 145
Error 'while' is not followed by whitespace. 153
Error '{' should be on the previous line. 154


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 26
Error Name '_SELF' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 27
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 32
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 38
Error First sentence should end with a period. 40
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 44
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 52
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 60
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 67
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 72
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 83
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 92
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 97
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 102


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
Error Parameter name should be final. 40
Error 'name' hides a field. 40
Error Method 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 47
Error Method 'setType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
Error Parameter type should be final. 54
Error 'type' hides a field. 54
Error Method 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
Error Method 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
Error Parameter config should be final. 68
Error 'config' hides a field. 68


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Variable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Variable 'messages' must be private and have accessor methods. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Variable 'locale' must be private and have accessor methods. 31
Error Method 'getLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Method 'setLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 39
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error Parameter locale should be final. 39
Error 'locale' hides a field. 39
Error Method 'getMessageResources' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 43
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Error Method 'setMessageResources' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 47
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Error Parameter messages should be final. 47
Error 'messages' hides a field. 47
Error Line has trailing spaces. 54
Error Expected an @return tag. 57
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 57
Error Parameter key should be final. 57
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 72
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error Expected an @return tag. 105
Error Method 'getMenuTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 105
Error Parameter menu should be final. 105
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 105
Error Expected an @return tag. 127
Error Method 'getMenuToolTip' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 127
Error Parameter menu should be final. 127
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 127
Error Method 'getMenuOnClick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 139
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 139
Error Parameter menu should be final. 139
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 146
Error Parameter menu should be final. 146


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Name 'nbsp' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 23
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 27
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 27
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 27
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Parameter menu should be final. 37
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error Parameter menu should be final. 45
Error Parameter level should be final. 45
Error '+' should be on a new line. 51
Error '+' should be on a new line. 52
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 66
Error '+' should be on a new line. 66
Error '+' should be on a new line. 75
Error Method 'getSpace' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 80
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 80
Error Parameter length should be final. 80
Error Method 'getImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 90
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 90
Error Parameter menu should be final. 90


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Parameter menu should be final. 18
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Parameter menu should be final. 24
Error Parameter level should be final. 24
Error '+' should be on a new line. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 39
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 60


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*. 26
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Name 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Parameter context should be final. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 46
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 52
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 63
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 80
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 80
Error Parameter pageContext should be final. 80
Error 'pageContext' hides a field. 80
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 80
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 85
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Error Parameter menu should be final. 85
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 91
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 91
Error Parameter menu should be final. 91
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 93
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 100
Error Method 'end' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 164
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 164
Error Parameter context should be final. 164


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Redundant import from the same package - net.sf.navigator.displayer.MenuDisplayerMapping. 9
Error Redundant import from the same package - net.sf.navigator.displayer.MessageResourcesMenuDisplayer. 10
Error Unused import - org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils. 12
Error First sentence should end with a period. 14
Error Line has trailing spaces. 16
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 22
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 23
Error Line has trailing spaces. 24
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 26
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Line has trailing spaces. 36
Error Line has trailing spaces. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Line has trailing spaces. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error Parameter context should be final. 45
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 45
Error Must have at least one statement. 50
Error Method 'display' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 54
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 54
Error Parameter menu should be final. 54
Error Method 'end' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error Parameter context should be final. 61
Error Must have at least one statement. 64
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 68
Error Method 'buildMenuString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 68
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 68
Error Parameter menu should be final. 68
Error Parameter sb should be final. 68
Error Parameter allowed should be final. 68
Error '3' is a magic number. 74
Error '3' is a magic number. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 75
Error Line has trailing spaces. 76
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 76
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 78
Error Line has trailing spaces. 79
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error Line has trailing spaces. 81
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 86
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 86
Error Method 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 92
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 92
Error Parameter menu should be final. 92
Error '4' is a magic number. 93
Error '3' is a magic number. 97
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 97
Error Method 'getParentName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 102
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 102
Error Parameter menu should be final. 102
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 114
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 114
Error Parameter menu should be final. 114


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error First sentence should end with a period. 15
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 25
Error Parameter request should be final. 27
Error Parameter response should be final. 28
Error Line has trailing spaces. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 49
Error '+' should be on a new line. 49
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 51
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 56


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Name 'inputMessage' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 27
Error Name 'itemMessage' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 27
Error Method 'displayComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Parameter menu should be final. 33
Error Parameter level should be final. 33
Error '+' should be on a new line. 40
Error '+' should be on a new line. 41
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error Parameter menu should be final. 56
Error Parameter space should be final. 56
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 63
Error Parameter menu should be final. 63
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 64


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Unused @param tag for 'actionForm'. 43
Error Expected an @return tag. 49
Error Parameter mapping should be final. 49
Error Parameter form should be final. 49
Error Expected @param tag for 'form'. 49
Error Parameter request should be final. 50
Error Parameter response should be final. 50


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error First sentence should end with a period. 25
Error Parameter theMenuNames should be final. 28
Error Expected @param tag for 'theMenuNames'. 28
Error Method 'isAllowed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Parameter menu should be final. 45
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 45


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 8
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 9


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Variable 'action' must be private and have accessor methods. 14
Error First sentence should end with a period. 16
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 16
Error Variable 'align' must be private and have accessor methods. 17
Error Line has trailing spaces. 18
Error Variable 'altImage' must be private and have accessor methods. 20
Error Variable 'description' must be private and have accessor methods. 23
Error Variable 'forward' must be private and have accessor methods. 26
Error Variable 'height' must be private and have accessor methods. 29
Error Variable 'image' must be private and have accessor methods. 32
Error Variable 'location' must be private and have accessor methods. 35
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 38
Error Variable 'onclick' must be private and have accessor methods. 41
Error Variable 'ondblclick' must be private and have accessor methods. 44
Error Variable 'onmouseout' must be private and have accessor methods. 47
Error Variable 'onmouseover' must be private and have accessor methods. 50
Error Variable 'page' must be private and have accessor methods. 53
Error Variable 'roles' must be private and have accessor methods. 56
Error Variable 'target' must be private and have accessor methods. 59
Error Variable 'title' must be private and have accessor methods. 62
Error Variable 'toolTip' must be private and have accessor methods. 65
Error Variable 'width' must be private and have accessor methods. 68
Error First sentence should end with a period. 70
Error Line has trailing spaces. 72
Error First sentence should end with a period. 73
Error Variable 'onContextMenu' must be private and have accessor methods. 74
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 77
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error Variable 'module' must be private and have accessor methods. 81
Error Method 'setAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 89
Error Parameter action should be final. 89
Error 'action' hides a field. 89
Error Method 'getAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 97
Error Method 'getAlign' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 105
Error Line has trailing spaces. 108
Error Method 'setAlign' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 113
Error Parameter align should be final. 113
Error 'align' hides a field. 113
Error Line has trailing spaces. 116
Error Method 'setAltImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 120
Error Parameter altImage should be final. 120
Error 'altImage' hides a field. 120
Error Method 'getAltImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 127
Error Method 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 134
Error Parameter description should be final. 134
Error 'description' hides a field. 134
Error Method 'getDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 141
Error Method 'setForward' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 149
Error Parameter forward should be final. 149
Error 'forward' hides a field. 149
Error Method 'getForward' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 156
Error Method 'setHeight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 163
Error Parameter height should be final. 163
Error 'height' hides a field. 163
Error Expected @param tag for 'height'. 163
Error Expected an @return tag. 170
Error Method 'getHeight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 170
Error Method 'setImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 177
Error Parameter image should be final. 177
Error 'image' hides a field. 177
Error Method 'getImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 184
Error Method 'setLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 191
Error Parameter location should be final. 191
Error 'location' hides a field. 191
Error Method 'getLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 198
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 205
Error Parameter name should be final. 205
Error 'name' hides a field. 205
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 212
Error Method 'setOnclick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 219
Error Parameter onclick should be final. 219
Error 'onclick' hides a field. 219
Error Method 'getOnclick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 226
Error Method 'setOnmouseout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 233
Error Parameter onmouseout should be final. 233
Error 'onmouseout' hides a field. 233
Error Method 'getOnmouseout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 240
Error Method 'setOnmouseover' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 247
Error Parameter onmouseover should be final. 247
Error 'onmouseover' hides a field. 247
Error Method 'getOnmouseover' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 254
Error Method 'setPage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 262
Error Parameter page should be final. 262
Error 'page' hides a field. 262
Error Method 'getPage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 270
Error Method 'setRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 278
Error Parameter roles should be final. 278
Error 'roles' hides a field. 278
Error Method 'getRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 286
Error Method 'setTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 293
Error Parameter target should be final. 293
Error 'target' hides a field. 293
Error Method 'getTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 300
Error Method 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 307
Error Parameter title should be final. 307
Error 'title' hides a field. 307
Error Method 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 314
Error Method 'setToolTip' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 321
Error Parameter toolTip should be final. 321
Error 'toolTip' hides a field. 321
Error Method 'getToolTip' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 328
Error Method 'setUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 335
Error Parameter url should be final. 335
Error 'url' hides a field. 335
Error Expected @param tag for 'url'. 335
Error Expected an @return tag. 342
Error Method 'getUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 342
Error Method 'setWidth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 350
Error Parameter width should be final. 350
Error 'width' hides a field. 350
Error Method 'getWidth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 357
Error Expected an @return tag. 363
Error Method 'getOnContextMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 363
Error Method 'setOnContextMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 370
Error Parameter string should be final. 370
Error Expected @param tag for 'string'. 370
Error Method 'getOndblclick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 378
Error Method 'setOndblclick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 386
Error Parameter ondblclick should be final. 386
Error 'ondblclick' hides a field. 386
Error Method 'getModule' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 390
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 390
Error Method 'setModule' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 394
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 394
Error Parameter module should be final. 394
Error 'module' hides a field. 394


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Name '_menuComponent' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 26
Error Variable '_menuComponent' must be private and have accessor methods. 26
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Variable 'menuComponents' must be private and have accessor methods. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Variable 'parentMenu' must be private and have accessor methods. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Method 'addMenuComponent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Parameter menuComponent should be final. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 38
Error Method 'getMenuComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Error Method 'setMenuComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 52
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Error Parameter menuComponents should be final. 52
Error 'menuComponents' hides a field. 52
Error Method 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 59
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 59
Error Parameter parentMenu should be final. 59
Error 'parentMenu' hides a field. 59
Error Method 'getParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error First sentence should end with a period. 73
Error Method 'getComponents' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 77
Error First sentence should end with a period. 81
Error Expected an @return tag. 86
Error Definition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'. 86
Error Method 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 86
Error Parameter o should be final. 86
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 92
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 93
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 94
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 95
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 96
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 97
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 98
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 99
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 100
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 101
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 102
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 103
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 104
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 105
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 106
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 107
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 108
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 109
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 110
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 111
Error First sentence should end with a period. 115
Error Method 'getMenuDepth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 120
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 124
Error Parameter menu should be final. 124
Error Parameter currentDepth should be final. 124
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 131
Error Method 'isLast' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 144
Error Method 'setLast' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 153
Error Parameter last should be final. 153
Error 'last' hides a field. 153
Error First sentence should end with a period. 157
Error Method 'removeChildren' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 160
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 161
Error Method 'getBreadCrumb' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 168
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 168
Error First sentence should end with a period. 172
Error Method 'setBreadCrumb' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 177
Error Parameter delimiter should be final. 177
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 188
Error Parameter delimiter should be final. 188
Error Method 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 196
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 196


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Extra HTML tag found: </p> 15
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 24
Error Line has trailing spaces. 27
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error First sentence should end with a period. 34
Error Method 'contextInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 40
Error Parameter sce should be final. 40
Error Expected @param tag for 'sce'. 40
Error Line has trailing spaces. 46
Error Line has trailing spaces. 48
Error Line has trailing spaces. 56
Error Method 'contextDestroyed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 73
Error Parameter sce should be final. 73
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 78


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Line has trailing spaces. 12
Error Extra HTML tag found: </p> 14
Error Line has trailing spaces. 22
Error Line has trailing spaces. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error First sentence should end with a period. 30
Error First sentence should end with a period. 33
Error Method 'setMenuConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 37
Error Parameter menuConfig should be final. 37
Error 'menuConfig' hides a field. 37
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 43
Error Method 'initApplicationContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Redundant throws: 'ApplicationContextException' is unchecked exception. 45
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 57
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 63
Error '+' should be on a new line. 63
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 67


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Method 'getMenuConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Method 'setMenuConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Error Parameter menuConfig should be final. 42
Error 'menuConfig' hides a field. 42
Error Method 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Parameter servlet should be final. 46
Error 'servlet' hides a field. 46
Error Parameter config should be final. 46
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 59
Error '+' should be on a new line. 65
Error Method 'destroy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 70
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 70
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 72


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Using the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*. 20
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 31
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Variable 'config' must be private and have accessor methods. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Variable 'servletContext' must be private and have accessor methods. 37
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Variable 'menus' must be private and have accessor methods. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error Variable 'displayers' must be private and have accessor methods. 39
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 40
Error Variable 'templates' must be private and have accessor methods. 40
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 41
Error Method 'getMenuNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 44
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Error Expected an @return tag. 52
Error Method 'getTopMenus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 52
Error 'name' hides a field. 60
Error Method 'getMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error Parameter menuName should be final. 69
Error Method 'getMenuDisplayerMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 73
Error Parameter displayerName should be final. 73
Error Method 'initDigester' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 77
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 84
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 89
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 91
Error Line has trailing spaces. 93
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 94
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 96
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 99
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 101
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 104
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 106
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 109
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 110
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 111
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 114
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 115
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 116
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 118
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 120
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 121
Error Method 'addMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 130
Error Parameter menu should be final. 130
Error Line has trailing spaces. 131
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 133
Error Method 'removeMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 150
Error Parameter name should be final. 150
Error 'name' hides a field. 150
Error Expected @param tag for 'name'. 150
Error First sentence should end with a period. 154
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 155
Error Method 'removeAllMenus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 158
Error Method 'addMenuDisplayerMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 162
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 162
Error Parameter displayerMapping should be final. 162
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 164
Error First sentence should end with a period. 173
Error Method 'getDisplayers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 178
Error Method 'setDisplayers' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 188
Error Parameter displayers should be final. 188
Error 'displayers' hides a field. 188
Error Expected @param tag for 'displayers'. 188
Error Method 'load' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 192
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 192
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 194
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 205
Error Must have at least one statement. 209
Error Method 'reload' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 214
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 214
Error Method 'setLoadParam' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 220
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 220
Error Parameter loadParam should be final. 220
Error Method 'getLoadParam' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 224
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 224
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 228
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 228
Error Parameter name should be final. 228
Error 'name' hides a field. 228
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 232
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 232
Error Method 'getServletContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 236
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 236
Error Method 'setServletContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 240
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 240
Error Parameter context should be final. 240
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 245
Error Method 'getMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 250
Error Parameter menuName should be final. 250
Error Parameter delimiter should be final. 250
Error 'name' hides a field. 261
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 263
Error Line has trailing spaces. 283
Error Method 'getMenuDepth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 286
Error Parameter menuName should be final. 286
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 289
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 291
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 298
Error Method 'getMenuDepth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 301
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 306
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 310
Error Method 'getTopMenusAsArray' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 320
Error 'menus' hides a field. 322
Error First sentence should end with a period. 330
Error Method 'getTopMenusNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 334
Error 'menus' hides a field. 335
Error Method 'setBreadCrumbDelimiter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 344
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 344
Error Parameter string should be final. 344
Error Method 'buildBreadCrumbs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 348
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 348
Error 'menus' hides a field. 352
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 352
Error 'cast' is not followed by whitespace. 354
Error Method 'buildBreadCrumbs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 359
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 359
Error Parameter delimiter should be final. 359


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Line has trailing spaces. 10
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 16
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 22
Error Line has trailing spaces. 23


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Parameter request should be final. 22
Error 'request' hides a field. 22
Error Method 'isAllowed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 31
Error Parameter menu should be final. 31
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 31
Error '=' is not preceded with whitespace. 37
Error '=' is not followed by whitespace. 37


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Error 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 51
Error Name 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 51
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 56
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 56
Error Parameter name should be final. 56
Error 'name' hides a field. 56
Error Method 'setTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 60
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 60
Error Parameter target should be final. 60
Error 'target' hides a field. 60
Error Method 'doStartTag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 66
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 74
Error Line has trailing spaces. 98
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 108
Error '+' should be on a new line. 108
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 139
Error Method 'setPageLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 139
Error Parameter menu should be final. 139
Error Expected @throws tag for 'MalformedURLException'. 139
Error Expected @throws tag for 'JspException'. 139
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 140
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 164
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 179
Error Method 'setLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 179
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 179
Error Parameter menu should be final. 179
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 180
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 185
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 186
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 187
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 190
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 191
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 197
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 198
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 202
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 204
Error Expected an @return tag. 216
Error Method 'getPage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 216
Error Parameter page should be final. 216
Error Line has trailing spaces. 225
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 226
Error Parameter str should be final. 226
Error Parameter request should be final. 226
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 232
Error Line has trailing spaces. 233
Error '+' should be on a new line. 242
Error Method 'release' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 253
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 253


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error First sentence should end with a period. 19
Error Extra HTML tag found: </p> 20
Error Line has trailing spaces. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 36
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 37
Error Line has trailing spaces. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 39
Error Variable 'messages' must be private and have accessor methods. 39
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 44
Error Variable 'menuDisplayer' must be private and have accessor methods. 44
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 45
Error Variable 'localeKey' must be private and have accessor methods. 45
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Variable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 47
Error Variable 'bundleKey' must be private and have accessor methods. 47
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Error Variable 'id' must be private and have accessor methods. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 49
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 51
Error Line has trailing spaces. 52
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 52
Error Variable 'rb' must be private and have accessor methods. 52
Error Method 'getBundle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 57
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 57
Error Method 'setBundle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 61
Error Parameter bundle should be final. 61
Error Method 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 65
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 65
Error Method 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error Parameter config should be final. 69
Error 'config' hides a field. 69
Error Method 'getLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 77
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 77
Error Method 'setLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 81
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 81
Error Parameter locale should be final. 81
Error Method 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 85
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 85
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 89
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 89
Error Parameter name should be final. 89
Error 'name' hides a field. 89
Error Method 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 93
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 93
Error Parameter id should be final. 93
Error 'id' hides a field. 93
Error Method 'getRepository' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 97
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 97
Error Method 'setRepository' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 108
Error Parameter repository should be final. 108
Error 'repository' hides a field. 108
Error Expected @param tag for 'repository'. 108
Error Method 'getPermissions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 115
Error Method 'setPermissions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 122
Error Parameter permissions should be final. 122
Error 'permissions' hides a field. 122
Error Method 'doStartTag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 126
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 126
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 140
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 155
Error 'permissions' hides a field. 158
Error Line has trailing spaces. 176
Error Line has trailing spaces. 180
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 183
Error '&&' should be on a new line. 185
Error Line has trailing spaces. 193
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 194
Error Line has trailing spaces. 202
Error Line has trailing spaces. 207
Error Line has trailing spaces. 217
Error Method 'getPermissionsAdapter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 235
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 235
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 243
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 249
Error Method 'doEndTag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 257
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 257
Error Method 'release' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 264
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 264


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 17
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Parameter name should be final. 20
Error 'name' hides a field. 20
Error Method 'setTarget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Parameter target should be final. 24
Error 'target' hides a field. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 33
Error Method 'release' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Method 'doStartTag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 43
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 43
Error Method 'setPageLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 55
Error Parameter menu should be final. 55
Error Expected @param tag for 'menu'. 55
Error Expected @throws tag for 'MalformedURLException'. 56
Error Expected @throws tag for 'JspException'. 56
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 61
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 75


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Parameter tag should be final. 23
Error 'tag' hides a field. 23
Error Parameter context should be final. 23
Error 'context' hides a field. 23
Error Method 'eval' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 35
Error Parameter attrName should be final. 35
Error Expected @param tag for 'attrName'. 35
Error Parameter attrValue should be final. 35
Error Expected @param tag for 'attrValue'. 35
Error Parameter returnClass should be final. 35
Error Expected @param tag for 'returnClass'. 35
Error Expected @throws tag for 'JspException'. 36
Error Method 'evalString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 48
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 48
Error Parameter attrName should be final. 48
Error Parameter attrValue should be final. 48
Error Method 'evalBoolean' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 53
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 53
Error Parameter attrName should be final. 53
Error Parameter attrValue should be final. 53
Error Method 'evalLong' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Parameter attrName should be final. 64
Error Parameter attrValue should be final. 64
Error Method 'evalInt' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 75
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 75
Error Parameter attrName should be final. 75
Error Parameter attrValue should be final. 75


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of '/*'. 1
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 19
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 21
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 23
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Method 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Parameter name should be final. 26
Error 'name' hides a field. 26
Error Method 'setBundle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Parameter bundle should be final. 30
Error 'bundle' hides a field. 30
Error Method 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 34
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Parameter config should be final. 34
Error 'config' hides a field. 34
Error Method 'setLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 38
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 38
Error Parameter locale should be final. 38
Error 'locale' hides a field. 38
Error Method 'setPermissions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 42
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 42
Error Parameter permissions should be final. 42
Error 'permissions' hides a field. 42
Error Method 'setRepository' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 46
Error Parameter key should be final. 46
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 50
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 55
Error Method 'release' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 64
Error Method 'doStartTag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 69
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 69
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 79
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 91


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 20
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 20
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 22
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 22
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 24
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 24
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 26
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 26
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 28
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 28
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 30
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 30
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 32
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 32
Error Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
Error Redundant 'public' modifier. 34


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 18
Error '{' is not followed by whitespace. 20
Error '}' is not preceded with whitespace. 20
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 23
Error Parameter msg should be final. 26


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 2
Error Line has trailing spaces. 7
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Variable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods. 59
Error Variable 'config' must be private and have accessor methods. 64
Error Method 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 70
Error Variable 'defaultLocale' must be private and have accessor methods. 77
Error Variable 'factory' must be private and have accessor methods. 82
Error Method 'getFactory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 88
Error Variable 'formats' must be private and have accessor methods. 96
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 99
Error Variable 'returnNull' must be private and have accessor methods. 102
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 105
Error Method 'getReturnNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 109
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 114
Error Method 'setReturnNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 119
Error Parameter returnNull should be final. 119
Error 'returnNull' hides a field. 119
Error Parameter factory should be final. 131
Error 'factory' hides a field. 131
Error Parameter config should be final. 131
Error 'config' hides a field. 131
Error Parameter factory should be final. 145
Error 'factory' hides a field. 145
Error Parameter config should be final. 146
Error 'config' hides a field. 146
Error Parameter returnNull should be final. 147
Error 'returnNull' hides a field. 147
Error Expected an @return tag. 163
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 163
Error Parameter key should be final. 163
Error Expected an @return tag. 176
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 176
Error Parameter key should be final. 176
Error Parameter args should be final. 176
Error Array brackets at illegal position. 176
Error Expected an @return tag. 189
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 189
Error Parameter key should be final. 189
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 189
Error Expected an @return tag. 203
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 203
Error Parameter key should be final. 203
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 203
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 203
Error Expected an @return tag. 218
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 218
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 218
Error Parameter key should be final. 218
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 218
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 218
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 218
Error Expected an @return tag. 234
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 234
Error Parameter key should be final. 235
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 236
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 237
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 238
Error Parameter arg3 should be final. 239
Error Expected an @return tag. 255
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 255
Error Parameter key should be final. 256
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 257
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 258
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 259
Error Parameter arg3 should be final. 260
Error Parameter arg4 should be final. 261
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 263
Error Expected an @return tag. 279
Error Parameter locale should be final. 279
Error Parameter key should be final. 279
Error Expected an @return tag. 291
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 291
Error Parameter locale should be final. 291
Error Parameter key should be final. 291
Error Parameter args should be final. 291
Error Array brackets at illegal position. 291
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 307
Error Expected an @return tag. 330
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 330
Error Parameter locale should be final. 330
Error Parameter key should be final. 330
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 330
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 331
Error Expected an @return tag. 345
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 345
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 345
Error Parameter locale should be final. 345
Error Parameter key should be final. 345
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 345
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 345
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 346
Error Expected an @return tag. 361
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 361
Error Parameter locale should be final. 362
Error Parameter key should be final. 363
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 364
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 365
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 366
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 368
Error Expected an @return tag. 384
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 384
Error Parameter locale should be final. 385
Error Parameter key should be final. 386
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 387
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 388
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 389
Error Parameter arg3 should be final. 390
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 392
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 392
Error Expected an @return tag. 409
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 409
Error Parameter locale should be final. 410
Error Parameter key should be final. 411
Error Parameter arg0 should be final. 412
Error Parameter arg1 should be final. 413
Error Parameter arg2 should be final. 414
Error Parameter arg3 should be final. 415
Error Parameter arg4 should be final. 416
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 418
Error '{' is followed by whitespace. 418
Error Expected an @return tag. 427
Error Method 'isPresent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 427
Error Parameter key should be final. 427
Error Expected an @return tag. 441
Error Method 'isPresent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 441
Error Parameter locale should be final. 441
Error Parameter key should be final. 441
Error Conditional logic can be removed. 448
Error Expected an @return tag. 465
Error Method 'escape' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 465
Error Parameter string should be final. 465
Error Expected an @return tag. 495
Error Method 'localeKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 495
Error Parameter locale should be final. 495
Error Avoid inline conditionals. 496
Error Expected an @return tag. 506
Error Method 'messageKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 506
Error Parameter locale should be final. 506
Error Parameter key should be final. 506
Error Expected an @return tag. 519
Error Method 'messageKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 519
Error Parameter localeKey should be final. 519
Error Parameter key should be final. 519
Error Variable 'defaultFactory' must be private and have accessor methods. 531
Error Expected an @return tag. 539
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 539
Error 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. 539
Error Parameter config should be final. 539
Error Method 'log' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 553
Error Parameter message should be final. 553
Error Method 'log' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 564
Error Parameter message should be final. 564
Error Parameter throwable should be final. 564


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 2
Error Line has trailing spaces. 7
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Line has trailing spaces. 19
Error Variable 'returnNull' must be private and have accessor methods. 56
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 59
Error Method 'getReturnNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 64
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 71
Error Method 'setReturnNull' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 73
Error Parameter returnNull should be final. 73
Error 'returnNull' hides a field. 73
Error Expected an @return tag. 87
Error Parameter config should be final. 87
Error Variable 'clazz' must be private and have accessor methods. 97
Error Name 'LOG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. 103
Error Variable 'factoryClass' must be private and have accessor methods. 110
Error Parameter factoryClass should be final. 129
Error 'factoryClass' hides a field. 129
Error Expected an @return tag. 144
Error 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 148


Error Line
Error Line does not match expected header line of ' * $Header: /cvsroot/struts-menu/navigator/LICENSE.txt,v 1.1 2003/09/24 03:01:02 mraible Exp $'. 2
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 2
Error Line has trailing spaces. 7
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Line has trailing spaces. 19
Error Parameter factory should be final. 62
Error Parameter config should be final. 63
Error Parameter factory should be final. 79
Error Parameter config should be final. 80
Error Parameter returnNull should be final. 80
Error '+' should be on a new line. 83
Error Variable 'locales' must be private and have accessor methods. 96
Error Name 'log' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 102
Error Variable 'messages' must be private and have accessor methods. 110
Error Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 130
Error Parameter locale should be final. 130
Error Parameter key should be final. 130
Error Method 'loadLocale' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 222
Error Parameter localeKey should be final. 222
Error Line has trailing spaces. 227
Error Line has trailing spaces. 232
Error Line has trailing spaces. 240
Error Line has trailing spaces. 249
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 250
Error Line has trailing spaces. 254
Error Line has trailing spaces. 259
Error Line has trailing spaces. 270
Error Line has trailing spaces. 279
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 285
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 287


Error Line
Error Missing a header - not enough lines in file. 1
Error Line is longer than 80 characters. 2
Error Line has trailing spaces. 7
Error Line has trailing spaces. 11
Error Line has trailing spaces. 13
Error Line has trailing spaces. 19
Error Expected an @return tag. 45
Error Method 'createResources' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. 45
Error Parameter config should be final. 45


Error Line
Error Missing package documentation file. 0